Thursday, October 31, 2019

Emergency Operations Plan in an Emergency Situation in the Campus Essay

Emergency Operations Plan in an Emergency Situation in the Campus - Essay Example Therefore, there requires an emergency plan that will respond to all the necessary issues that arise at the time of an emergency situation. Weber State University has developed a similar plan to address emergency situations effectively. The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) aims to address the potential hazards that can give rise to an emergency situation in the campus and to provide a comprehensive implementation plan to cater to these issues. The EOPs scope is wide as it covers the natural disasters, technological hazards and extraordinary situations like criminal events. Therefore, earthquake, mudslide, flood, tornado, weather extremes and fire breakout in the wildland are all possible emergency situations in which EOP will be effective. Likewise, transportation accidents, utility failure, incidents with hazardous materials or chemicals and structural fire are covered under EOP as technological hazards. Similarly, civil disturbances, sabotage between student and staff member, bomb threat and criminal or violent behavior are covered under the extraordinary emergency situations. The Weber State University EOPs will cover the potential emergency situations, provide an effective plan for implementation, develop institutional responsibilities and highlight the mechanism for monitoring and control in emergency situations. The EOPs will be adhered by all the employees and the students of the University, alike. In order to activate the EOPs, the University has assumed several situations and circumstances that will make it easier for all the stakeholders to effectively implement and execute the plan in their best interests.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Project Managment Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project Managment Leadership - Essay Example Discuss how you would manage this project using a matrix OBS approach. 6 Reference 8 1. Discuss how your company manages projects which span two or three department? Project management is the process to facilitate planning, scheduling and controlling of the different activities in an organization. Operating projects in a multi project platform is setting up projects at the same time at different departments in an organization. The team in different departments may share members and organizational support systems and clients and also may use same resources to some extent but the working styles of the different departments are completely different in most cases. Project management includes project portfolio management in which the different processes are selected according to their need, organization performance and the objectives with the controlling groups are selected. This includes a planning and budgeting process by consulting with the team members of the different departments for an effective utilization of the resources by the management. Co-ordination with the different departments with effective communication can address the risk issues from different departments and help the management to cope with the unexpected occurrences during the execution of the project. Resource allocation is another important issue of the management to look after while working with multiple departments. The collaboration between the different team members of the separate department are needed to be understood by the management otherwise it may lead to conflict in the work place. The project team should be build by the company keeping in mind the goals of the project and dividing the roles of the different departments with the individual roles of the tea members can ease the processes and its execution. Working together can build a better relationship amongst the employees and collaborative problem solving can help the departments identify and cope with diverse problems faced at work environment. Administering the daily activities of the departments and managing the performance of the organizational departments will optimize the different processes and help the company to effectively deal with issues arising from different departments (Portny, 2006, p. 287). 2. Discuss how your company manages the two boss situation when a staff member is reporting to both the project manager and the functional manager. Reporting to different bosses can be a challenging situation in management issues. But with proper communication skill and expertise in the business this situation can be handled very effectively by the managers. With consistent work and documentation of the work schedule this situation can be handled and the staff member will be able to impress two bosses of both project management and functional department. Few points are needed to be maintained by the staff to manage two bosses at the same time. First step is to know the two managers and their relationsh ip amongst them. Knowing the style of working of the two different managers will help the staff to communicate effectively with them in their way of working. If the managers need to be reported every day or weekly or after project completion the staff should work accordingly. The communication process is also needed to be understood by the staff. Knowing whether there is any communication between the two bosses is an important task. Otherwise staff needs to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Kingdom Of Heaven | Summary | Analysis

Kingdom Of Heaven | Summary | Analysis Kingdom of Heaven by Ridley Scott is a modern film about the Crusades, set in 1184 centered on Balian of Ibelin. The film is presented as a conscious piece of historical fiction and the majority of the film follows closely with historical records. (Wikipedia) William Monahan, the films writer, has included several fictional characters and dramatized the relationships between characters to increase the films artistic and commercial appeal. Ridley Scott makes an effort to promote Christian/Muslim peace in the Holy Land and downplays traditional Religious viewpoints. The films cinematography is visually stunning and the battle scenes are intense. (Radcliffe) Overall, the film is enjoyable to watch, although it is quite long. The Directors Cut Edition has a running time of 189 Minutes. Kingdom of Heaven is a fictional historical action film with the main theme of promoting peaceful coexistence between religions. The film begins in a remote French village as Balian, a blacksmith, is devastated over his wifes suicide. Balian meets a group of Crusaders led by Baron Godfrey of Ibelin, who reveals himself to be Balians father. This part of the storyline deviates from historical records because Baron Godfrey is a fictional character and Balian is from Ibelin. (Wikipedia Balian de Ibelin) After killing the town priest, Balian joins Baron Godfrey on his Crusade to Jerusalem with hope of redemption and forgiveness for his sins. During Balians quest to Jerusalem he is Knighted and after his father Godfreys death, is recognized as Baron of Ibelin in Jerusalem. Scott depicts Jerusalem as a city where Christians and Saracens live in peace under King Baldwin IV. King Baldwin IV the Leper ruled Jerusalem from 1174-1185. Jerusalems political arena is complex, as the Knights Templar, led by Guy de Lusignan and Raynald of Chà ¢tillon, Tiberius, the Marshal of Jerusalem, and Princess Sybilla all are seeking to increase their own power. The Knights Templar led by the films Arch-Villian, Guy de Lusignan are the primary Villians and portrayed by Scott as mercenaries, seeking profit and attacking Muslims because God wills it. (Kingdom of Heaven 2005) Princess Sybilla and Balian begin a relationship when she visits Ibelin. This part of the story is fictional and my feeling is that Scott intended to make the film more appealing to women by adding a romantic affair between the main characters. The Knights Templar attack a Muslim trade caravan that is under protection of Saladin, the leader of the Muslim army. Saladin is a Muslim historical figure that led the Muslim Army in opposition to the Crusaders and ruled over Egypt, Syria, and Damascus. (Maalouf 1984) This attack sets into motion a course of events that ends with Saladin gaining control of Jerusalem in the films final scenes. Saladin attacks Kerak, Raynalds castle as retribution for his crimes. During the battle, Balian and his men are captured while trying to defend the villagers. Because Balian had displayed mercy by releasing one of Saladins servants earlier in the film, Saladin releases Balian and a temporary truce is negotiated between the Muslims and Christians. This is an example of the films main theme and prominent sub-theme of doing good deeds for others. Shortly after the battle, King Baldwin passes away, leaving Sybillas son, Baldwin V King of Jerusalem. Historical records indicate that Saladin did attac k Kerak in 1183 and 1184, but was repelled by the Crusaders. (Wikipedia Siege of Kerak) In addition, King Baldwin IV did not pass away immediately after the Siege of Kerak, he passed away in 1185. Scott indicates a bias toward the Muslims in this part of the film; he depicts the Knights Templar and Raynald as warmongers and the films villains. Raynald and Guy are against peace between the Christians and Muslims. King Baldwin Vs reign over Jerusalem is temporary because Princess Sybilla euthanizes her son out of compassion, as she finds that he is also a Leper. This part of the film is fictional, King Baldwin V was not a Leper, but he did pass away in 1186, just one year after becoming King. (Wikipedia King Baldwin V) Sybilla crowns Guy de Lusignan as King and he immediately instructs Raynald to wage war against Saladin. Raynald and Guy lead the Knights Templar to battle against Balians advice. Saladin massacres the Raynalds Army at the Battle of Hattin and personally beheads Raynald. This was Saladins plan all along; he knew Guy and the Knights Templar would attack first. After Balian survives an assassination attempt ordered by Guy, he joins Tiberius in Jerusalem which is now virtually defenseless against Saladins Army. By showing the aftermath of the Battle of Hattin, that God has punished an evil man and his followers belligerent actions with death, Scott reinforces the films primary them e of encouraging peaceful coexistence between religions and sub-theme, that doing good deeds for others is being religious. Tiberius and his men abandon Balian and the people of Jerusalem, leaving no Knights to defend the city. This part of the film shows how Balians values have changed during the film. Before Balian left on his Crusade, he had lost faith in religion and himself, and now he is a confident and selfless leader, who stays in Jerusalem only to defend the cities people. (Kingdom of Heaven 2005) Scott shows a bias toward the Christian point of view in the films final scenes and audience should feel a strong sympathy to the Christians as they are defending innocent people. In preparation for the battle with Saladin, Balian Knights many of the villagers to improve morale. Balian is outnumbered by Saladins men and his only hope is to protect the city long enough to force Saladin to make a deal to protect the people of Jerusalem. Balian and his men successfully withstand a barrage of bombs from Saladins Trebuchets and attacks from his Army for three days. During the battle, Balian is a successful Commander, although he is injured while fighting with a Muslim. On the third day, Saladin is able to breach Jerusalems walls overpower Balians men. Balian is able to negotiate the peaceful surrender of Jerusalem with Saladin only because he threatens to destroy the city and all religious artifacts, both Muslim and Christian if the battle continues. This scene is based in fact as records indicate that Balian de Ibelin did negotiate the surrender of Jerusalem to Saladin, but that Saladin was offered a ransom for all Christians to leave Jerusalem unharmed. (Wikipedia Balian de Ibelin) The film ends with Balian and Sybilla in the remote French Village where the story began. King Richard of England and his men ride along searching for the defender of Jerusalem and Balian replies, I am a blacksmith. (Kingdom of Heaven 2005 ) Ridley Scott conveys his primary theme with his final message that Nearly a thousand years later, peace in the Kingdom of Heaven remains elusive. Throughout the film we see evidence that Scott is promoting peaceful coexistence between religions. King Baldwin IV states, A man must choose to do good deeds instead of evil and Your Soul is in control of your own. Balian consistently supports this theme by resisting violence, by refusing to fight over his horse, releasing Guy de Langston after the final duel and many other times during the film. Ridley Scott has disguised Kingdom of Heaven as a visually pleasing historical action film; Scott wants his audience to realize the futility of war and the value of peaceful coexistence between all religions. Maalouf, Amin. 1984. Crusades Through Arab Eyes. Online E-Reserve Edition. London: Al Saqi Books. Kingdom of Heaven: Directors Cut Edition. 2005. Directed by Ridley Scott. 189 Min. Century City, CA: 20th Century Fox. Blu-Ray.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Is Government Interference Right? Essay -- essays research papers

Should government have the right to interfere in our private lives? Does being part of a representative democracy mean that we abdicate our freedom to make our own choices in the name of the good of all? Should the government have the right to interfere in our private lives? Democracy guarantees freedom. One might then argue that a government should allow people to act according to their own free will. But there are two sides to every coin. Absolute independence might not lead to anything productive in an interdependent society as ours. There needs to be a basic framework of rules and guidelines to which all participants in that society agree to. According to Hobbes, human nature is such that if there were no rules or a law enforcing institution in the government, it would be a war of every man against every man1. The government regulates the activities of individuals in a manner such that the freedom guaranteed by democracy to everybody is not infringed upon by the selfish acts of few. Apart from the protection of these basic rights of people, I feel that government interference in our private live is not acceptable. Systems such as welfare and progressive taxes do not seem quite right. The government should definitely work towards the increase in the standard of living of the whole nation but it should not be by snatching well-earned money from the rich in the form of progressive taxes just because they have some extra money whereas some others are not so fortunate enou...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pestel Analysis of Automotive Domain in Germany

Brochure More information from http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/1202569/ PEST ANALYSIS – Automotive Sector in Germany Description: PEST analysis of any industry sector investigates the important factors that are affecting the industry and influencing the companies operating in that sector. PEST is an acronym for political, economic, social and technological analysis. Political factors include government policies relating to the industry, tax policies, laws and regulations, trade restrictions and tariffs etc. The economic factors relate to changes in the wider economy such as economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rate, etc. Social factors often look at the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, changes in tastes and buying patterns, etc. The technological factors relate to the application of new inventions and ideas such as R&D activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. Synergyst’s PEST Analysis is a perfect tool for managers and policy makers; helping them in analyzing the forces that are driving their industry and how these factors will influence their businesses and the whole industry in general. Our product also presents a brief profile of the industry comprising of current market, competition in it and future prospects of that sector. Please note that the report compilation, presentation and dispatch may take 1-2 working days. Contents: SECTOR OVERVIEW — Current Market — Competition and Key Players — Market Forecast PEST ANALYSIS — Political Factors — Economic Factors — Social Factors — Technological Factors CONCLUSION Ordering: Order Online – http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/1202569/ Order by Fax – using the form below Order by Post – print the order form below and sent to Research and Markets, Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. Page 1 of 2 Fax Order Form To place an order via fax simply print this form, fill in the information below and fax the completed form to 646-6071907 (from USA) or +353-1-481-1716 (from Rest of World). If you have any questions please visit http://www. researchandmarkets. com/contact/ Order Information Please verify that the product information is correct and select the format(s) you require. Product Name: Web Address: Office Code: PEST ANALYSIS – Automotive Sector in Germany http://www. researchandmarkets. com/reports/1202569/ OC8HKQNSORVUU Product Formats Please select the product formats and quantity you require: Quantity Hard Copy: CD ROM: Electronic: Electronic: EURO â‚ ¬482. 00 + Euro â‚ ¬50. 00 Shipping/Handling * EURO â‚ ¬482. 00 + Euro â‚ ¬50. 00 Shipping/Handling * EURO â‚ ¬321. 00 EURO â‚ ¬535. 00 * Shipping/Handling is only charged once per order. Contact Information Please enter all the information below in BLOCK CAPITALS Title: First Name: Email Address: * Job Title: Organisation: Address: City: Postal / Zip Code: Country: Phone Number: Fax Number: * Please refrain from using free email accounts when ordering (e. . Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL) Mr Mrs Dr Miss Last Name: Ms Prof Page 1 of 2 Payment Information Please indicate the payment method you would like to use by selecting the appropriate box. Pay by credit card: American Express Diners Club Master Card Visa Cardholder's Name Cardholder's Signature Expiry Date Card Number CVV Number Issue Date (for Diners Club only) Pay by check: Please post the check, accomp anied by this form, to: Research and Markets, Guinness Center, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. Please transfer funds to: Account number Sort code Swift code IBAN number Bank Address 833 130 83 98-53-30 ULSBIE2D IE78ULSB98533083313083 Ulster Bank, 27-35 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Pay by wire transfer: If you have a Marketing Code please enter it below: Marketing Code: Please note that by ordering from Research and Markets you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions at http://www. researchandmarkets. com/info/terms. asp Please fax this form to: (646) 607-1907 or (646) 964-6609 – From USA +353 1 481 1716 or +353 1 653 1571 – From Rest of World

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Corruption in The Great Gatsby

It is a conventionally held belief that opulence has noxious effects on one's character. However, In the asses, many Americans in the East thought quite the contrary. F. Scott Fitzgerald renowned novel, The Great Gatsby, takes the reader back into such an era through the eyes of Nick Caraway, the protagonist and narrator who vicariously experiences affluence's vitiating nature through his wealthy associates. Through his portrayal of such wealthy characters as Gatsby, the Buchannan, and Jordan, F. Scott Fitzgerald depicts the turpitude and mercenary demeanor resultant of great riches.In The Great Gatsby, the titular character himself encapsulates the notion that wealth deteriorates character. Jay Gatsby corruption generally stems from his blind idealism based on the fallacy that affluence and love are one and the same. This is evinced by the fact that Gatsby falls in love with Daisy due to his teenage experiences of sumptuous lifestyle. He felt he could ingratiate himself to Daisy by making a fortune of his own, and therefore, transitively, Gatsby falls in love with money, not Daisy.In fact, Gatsby even says that â€Å"[Dallas voice] was full of money that was the Inexhaustible charm that rose and fell In It† (101 In making the preceding statement, Gatsby provides the reader with a corroborative avowal of his love for wealth, notwithstanding his intent to declare his love for Daisy. Later, in Gatsby altercation with Tom, It Is confirmed that Gatsby Is a bootlegger when Tom says, â€Å"I found out what your ‘drug-stores' were†¦ [he] and this Wolfishly bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter† (112).The fact that Gatsby would partake in illicit activity is unequivocal roof that Gatsby is Indeed corrupted by his wealth. Evidence that further substantiates the claim that Gatsby Is spoiled by his wealth Is the symbol of the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. In the novel, the color green is an archetype for jealousy and avarice; even though Gatsby can see East Egg and the green light in plain view, he cannot physically reach it, regardless of how much he desires it.This parallels the plot point that he Is oblivious to the notion that he will never fit In with the fundamentally cavalier high society of East Egg, who privately abominate Gatsby parvenus. These types of blindness and envy are in and of themselves indications of decadence. For these reasons, Gatsby is a great example of how wealth can depreciate morality and values. Although Gatsby Is ostensibly corrupted by affluence, Tom and Daisy Buchanan are much less pristine in character.Firstly, Nick Caraway mentions in the novel that the Buchannan only moved to East Egg to be In close proximity to the other Fenton individuals, saying that â€Å"they had spent a year in France for no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unmercifully wherever people played polo and were rich together† (11). This quotation Illustrates the Idea that the Buchannan' lives are disconsolate no matter where they reside. The aforesaid notion is further proven with the fact that both partners commit infidelities throughout The Great Gatsby duration–Tom with Myrtle and Daisy with Gatsby.Such perfidious behavior on both sides is an attestation to the fact that the Buchannan' marriage is only held together by common socioeconomic backgrounds. By the novel's conclusion, when Gatsby suffers a violent death, Tom and Daisy do not people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated jack into their money or their vast carelessness† (148). Their lack of attendance only suggests that neither Tom nor Daisy have a scintilla of benevolence in their hearts– only a preeminent sense of egoism.All of these instances corroborate the fact that Tom and Daisy Buchanan have been corrupted by their wealth. Lastly, Jordan Baker is incontestably spoiled by her own prosperity. Nick notes at Gatsby lavish party that Jordan is â€Å"incurably dishonest. She wasn't able to endure being at a disadvantage and, given this unwillingness,†¦ She had begun dealing in butterflies† (52). This dishonesty is evidenced by the fact that she had been involved in a scandal at a golf tournament, in which she allegedly changed the positioning of her golf ball to her benefit.However, she is able to get away which such duplicity because she is so inherently wealthy–a privilege that is widely unavailable to the hoi polloi. Cordon's dishonesty also reflects her apathetic attitude toward other people; if she truly treasured the people around her, she would certainly tell the truth more often. Cordon's indifference to other people is exemplified hen she expressed her approval of Daisy's affair, saying that â€Å"Daisy ought to have something in her life† (69).By using the word ‘something' to refer to Gatsby, she shows that she eq uates people with material possessions, an apparent portent of demutualization. For her dishonesty and apathy towards others, Jordan is clearly spoiled by the advantages of wealth. The covetous, arrogant, and indifferent personalities in The Great Gatsby are all prime examples of how wealth victimizes virtue. James Gatsby, the title character, is in love with money, and he confuses this eve for financial success as an adulation for Daisy Buchanan.What is more, he is desperate to become accepted by people who condescend to him privately. Tom and Daisy Buchanan are heartless individuals whose unstable marriage is only held together by the glue of wealth. Lastly, Jordan Baker is a deceitful and apathetic woman who uses her wealth to pull off scandals. Through the portrayal of the enumerated characters, F. Scott Fitzgerald successfully captures the theme of abundant wealth and luxury as antecedents to moral deterioration and the destruction of one's dreams.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Do you think Atticus is a Convincing Character or is he just a way for Harper Lee to convey her ideas Essay Example

Do you think Atticus is a Convincing Character or is he just a way for Harper Lee to convey her ideas Essay Example Do you think Atticus is a Convincing Character or is he just a way for Harper Lee to convey her ideas Essay Do you think Atticus is a Convincing Character or is he just a way for Harper Lee to convey her ideas Essay Essay Topic: Literature In this essay I am going to address the way in which Atticus Finch is portrayed as a character, but also as a symbol for humanity and a way for the authors possibly radical ideas to be conveyed in Harper Lees novel To kill a Mockingbird. Atticus is one of the main characters in the play and novel and is also the strongest and most complex figure to study. As a father, lawyer and member of the community, Atticus plays many roles, all very similar, yet all different. As a father Atticus is truthful, fair and never patronises his children, Jean Louise (Scout) and Jem. He acts as both a father and a teacher to them, educating them in the social and moral expectations and etiquettes of their society. He treats them with respect and wants them to understand why things happen in the community, what is wrong with society and how to try and change them and improve themselves at the same time. Atticus didnt believe in spoiling his children or shouting at them and believed in respect between himself and his children. Honesty and self respect were very important to Atticus and in order to be able to tell his children what to do or to enable him to order them about, he firstly had to prove to himself that he was doing the right thing, and that he could hold his head up high in the community, for example in taking the case of Tom Robinson: The main reason not do something again Atticus needed to be able to live with other people, and gain their respect by doing what he knew was right before he could live with himself and take control of other peoples lives, especially his childrens. He needed them to see what the difference was between the fine line of right and wrong and show that he carried through his own teachings. Atticus needed to show the children what he called Real courage and in taking Tom Robinsons case he knew it was the right thing to do, to stand up for something he believed in even though he knew he would lose the case before he started. However, the important thing to Atticus was to give it his best shot and to give his very best to try to help some one worse off than himself, especially as Tom was a black man, showing that he was a man of principles and someone who wasnt hypocritical about his beliefs. In the early stages of the play, Scout and Jem are doubtful of their fathers abilities, as he is different to other fathers in Maycomb, the small, southern American town where To Kill a Mockingbird was set: Because he doesnt do anything nd he reads They thought that Atticus was boring; he wasnt what they considered to be a stereotypical man. He didnt do any kind of manual labour, and instead worked in an office. He said he was too old to play football with the rest of the fathers and therefore the children underestimated his abilities. However, when they found out he was an excellent shooter, after the killing of the mad dog and found out his childhood nickname: When he was a boy his nickname was Ol One-Shot Scout and Jem gained a new respect for Atticus, and this grew later in the play as they discovered where Atticus real talents lay in the courtroom. This realisation helped them to understand the points Atticus was trying to teach them those of equality, and not to judge a man by the colour of his skin. He tried to make Scout and Jem understand things from other peoples points of view and try to see why this is important: You never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. This basically says: dont judge a book by its cover; dont kill a mockingbird, something which has done no harm, for this, as well as being part of the title is the underlying theme of the play and the role of the mockingbird is portrayed through the characters of Tom Robinson and Boo Radely. The role Atticus plays as a father is in a way an idealistic role. He is never too harsh and never overly kind, he gives respect and is respected, in fact, he seems in every way the ideal parent . The reader is shown in every aspect of family life what a good father he is and perhaps his only fault as a character is that he has no large flaws, no vices or bad habits, and this, in a way, begins to make you wonder if Atticus is really a believable character. After all, is anyone really perfect? As a lawyer, Atticus once again comes across as the ideal character; clear, fair and eloquent- the best man at his job. The whole fact that he took Tom Robinsons case and listened to his conscience, when he knew he would lose, howed what sort of character Harper Lee wanted Atticus to be. He knew that the justice system at that time was prejudiced and immoral and that it was certain that Tom Robinson would be found guilty. We were licked before we started This shows the reader that deep down Atticus was aware that the case was hopeless, but he acted on his principals and took it anyway. In this role it also came across how clever Finch was. He used subtle but clear points to tear the oppo sition to shreds yet always remained calm, cool and polite; the perfect southern gentleman. This part of his character is at least I think partly believable. Comparisons with this aspect of Atticus character- the lawyer- can be made with the real world or the present day. Although it is true that not many lawyers would take a case they knew they were going to lose, the play is written so cleverly that you think it could happen. The play makes you feel good knowing that someone would take so great a risk, knowing they would come out of it the worst for someone less well off than themselves. It makes you want to believe in the character of Atticus and want to think that there are people out there like him. The way Atticus is portrayed throughout the trial seems to demand respect, so his character immediately gains some dimension by relating to and involving the reader. In the trial, he completely turned the case around, proving just by asking simple questions that Mayella was lying and that Bob Ewell was an awful father. It was obvious by the end of the trial to everyone that Robinson was innocent and it was then that Harper Lee used the injustice of his imprisonment to put across her ideas about racial prejudice in the deep southern of the United States. So, not just Atticus but also the whole play is used as a way for the author to convey her ideas, as is true with any book. As a member of the community, Atticus had the complete respect of almost the whole town, from the upper class ladies such as Miss Maudie Atkinson down to what were considered to be the lowest of the low- the black people, who stood for him as he left the courtroom. Although he was not rich, Atticus was seen as one of the pillars of the community which in a way was unusual, as he had neither status or wealth yet was kind, generous, clever and polite, many of the qualities which the upper classes often forget about. The most important thing of all, however is that he was trusted by Maycomb: We trust him to do right. This is why the case of Tom Robinson was given to Atticus and not to another, less capable man. He knew to do what was right and that if he didnt do it, nobody else in the highly prejudiced town would: I simply would like you to know ne of them. Everyone saw him as someone they could turn to, and this was a fair judgement on their part. Atticus judged people on their own personal merit, regardless of their background or past. He was freethinking and respected people for what they were, regardless of the colour of their skin, once again showing he was the ideal character- the Hero of the play. Atticus understood that people were poor and that the depression had hit people hard, so he was generous and let people use other forms of payment such as crops to repay any work he did for them. He was portrayed as someone everyone wants to know and aspire to, fair, firm and modest. As a believable character, Atticus is not one hundred percent realistic. He is definitely an ideal character and therefore all the other characters are compared to him and he is also someone you want to believe in, yet somehow this is not quite possible. In a way, I think Atticus is not quite human enough to be believable, and the fact that his only flaws are that he is too nice and always sees the good in people confirm this. No one is perfect and the fact that Atticus has so little faults takes away some of his dimension and gravity. He is believable only as a character of fantasy and as a subtle way for Harper Lee to convey her ideas about racial prejudice and her views on America at that time in history. Throughout the play Atticus is the voice of truth and fairness, and is a very consistent character, keeping to his principals and values- he is the same at home as he is in front of the community, which although sounds like a wonderful thing to be, is highly unrealistic. He shows the reader everything that is wrong with society and how, if more people are like him in the future people and society might change. He is a series of ideas, beliefs and dreams, and is therefore used as a way to channel Lees new ideas into a believable format. Enveloping these radical ideas within a mild mannered, moderate, inoffensive character perhaps made them more acceptable to the people of the time.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chronicles of Tao Book Review

Chronicles of Tao Book Review In reading Chronicles of Tao, this type of spirituality appeals to me in many ways. I have long been fascinated with the Chinese philosophy and practice of Feng Shui, i.e. the flow of "chi" (energy) and balance of yin and yang. I have even arranged my home in a fashion that optimizes this concept and attempts to bring "balance" into my life. Although it is obviously not a complete form of Taoism, I found many similarities and felt very comfortable with the concepts of the Tao. In addition, I have, for a long time, felt that meditation and certain rituals help to bring balance and spirituality to a person's life. This type of spirituality is completely different from the beliefs that I grew up with, but it is difficult to deny that meditation helps to calm the mind and bring some balance to the inner thoughts. Although I could not ever see myself becoming a Taoist, I agree that some of the practices can help a person become more spiritual in whatever beliefs he or she might have.Confu cianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are one, a lita...Since I know a few things about Feng Shui, reading Chronicles of Tao was entertaining because Feng Shui seems to have come from the Taoist religion. When the Grand Master was telling Saihung the story of the Two Immortals in chapter fourteen, he tells of how they became immortal. They were two little boys who happened upon a disciple of another immortal named Dong Fengshui, whose name might be coincidental or perhaps related in some way, who offered them a peach that if they ate would make the boys immortal so they ate it. In chapter seventeen, when Saihung is to be left at the cave to "discover his true self," the Grand Master gives Saihung a Bagua mirror, which...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

3th Amendment to the Constitution of Bangladesh Essay Example for Free

3th Amendment to the Constitution of Bangladesh Essay ? Sandy Hook Shooting: Is It Time to Change the Second Amendment? Sandy Hook Shooting Is It Time to Change the Second Amendment About 80 million Americans, representing half of U.S. homes, own more than 223 million guns. The debate about the Second Amendment has been fierce, but after the horrible atrocity that just happened in Newtown, Connecticut, the time has come to rethink the amendment and change it. The change of the amendment in terms of availability of weapons, and who has the right to possess them, would create a safer society and lower the gun homicide rate in the U. S. — a figure that currently makes the U.S. the highest in the world. The change would include a certain necessary procedure in order to get a license for possessing a gun. Moreover, this procedure should include medical checks, full criminal history, and a police interview to prove they actually need a gun. Atrocities like what happened today could theoretically be prevented if it were more difficult to come into possession of weapons in the U.S. At this moment, there is a widely accepted misconception about the history of the amendment and its purpose within American society. When the founding fathers implemented Second Amendment the main idea behind it was to provide citizens with a way to oppose possible tyrannical government. However, today it is widely believed that the Second Amendment is there to provide you with a way to protect yourself from other individuals. The debate is also present over whether the Second Amendment provides for collective or individual rights. However, in 2008, in the District of Columbia v. Heller case before the Supreme Court, the Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. In a 2011 Gallup poll, only 26% of American citizens said they would support the handgun ban. When Gallup first asked Americans this question in 1959, 60% favored banning handguns. But since 1975, the majority of Americans have opposed such a measure, with opposition around 70% in recent years. Americans have shifted to a more pro-gun view on gun laws, with record-low support for bans on handguns, assault rifle bans, and stricter gun laws in general. This remains true even as high-profile incidents of gun violence continue across the United States. The reasons for this ideological shift do not appear to be reactions to the crime situation, and are probably rather related to a widespread acceptance of guns by the  American public. It is widely believed that having the right to bear arms contributes to higher security. By enabling a great number of people to carry weapons, the society as a whole will not benefit from greater security. Moreover, it will become more unstable. The control of the weapons must be toughened and the right to possess and bear them restricted. The cases of shootings on American campuses and in schools are numerous and an argument that stricter gun control laws should be enforced stands strong. With medical and background checks, people who want to possess a gun won’t be stopped. However, the chance that someone with a mental disorder will have access to arsenal gets lower. The U.S. has the highest rate of gun ownership and of gun homicide in the developed world, it can definitely be argued that the amount of guns present the homicide rate will also be reduced. In 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton agreed with the U.N. to set a timetable for the regulation of the arms trade between the states. The United States joined 152 other countries in support of the Arms Trade Treaty Resolution, which establishes the dates for the 2012 UN conference intended to further regulate gun trade around the world. Many in the U.S. have seen this treaty as an introduction to domestic firearm control, even though this is wrong. In order to change the Second Amendment, a two-thirds majority in the Senate is required and at this point chances of changing that happening are slim. Throughout the world there are different regulations about gun ownership. Great Britain banned private ownership of guns in 1997; Australia also followed the same path. A 1999 Harvard School of Public Health study revealed that, â€Å"Americans feel less safe as more people in their community begin to carry guns,† and that 90% believe that â€Å"regular† citizens should be prohibited from bringing guns into most public places, including stadiums, restaurants, hospitals, college campuses, and places of worshi p. We should not have the illusion that the world can overnight become a safe place where guns are not needed. These are dark times for those who demand sane regulation of gun ownership. The courts come and go. Public opinion and political power, like the common law, changes and evolves. Guns must not be accessible to all and they must be restricted. By restricting the gun availability, the possibility for situations like the Newtown massacre would be dramatically lowered. Even if we assume that one day a tyrannical government may come to power, under the current circumstances, with the U.S.  government in possession of tanks, airplanes and drones, one can argue that the light weapons held by the citizens would not be enough. The argument of the founding fathers therefore becomes obsolete and the amendment must be changed to ensure the greater safety of American citizens. Eleven years later, after the war for independence had been won, our Founders assembled once again to draw up a plan for governing the new nation. That plan would be ratified two years later as the Constitution of the United States of America. To understand the true meaning of the Second Amendment, it is important to understand the men who wrote and ratified it, and the issues they faced in creating the Constitution. During the debate over the ratification of the Constitution, there was significant concern that a  strong federal government would trample on the individual rights of citizens–as had happened under British rule. To protect the basic rights of Americans–rights which each person possesses and that are guaranteed, but not granted, by any government–the framers added the first ten amendments to the Constitution as a package. Those amendments have come to be known as the Bill of Rights. They represent the fundamental freedoms that are at the heart of ou r society, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The British people did not have a written constitution as we have in the United States. However, they did have a tradition of protecting individual rights from government. Those rights were set forth in a number of documents, including the Magna Carta and the English Declaration of Rights. The Founders who wrote the Bill of Rights drew many of their ideas from the traditions of English â€Å"common law,† which is the body of legal tradition and court decisions that acted as an unwritten constitution and as a balance to the power of English kings. The Founders believed in the basic rights of men as described in written legal documents and in unwritten legal traditions. One of these was the right of the common people to bear arms, which was specifically recognized in the English Declaration of Rights of 1689. However, the Founders also recognized that without a blueprint for what powers government could exercise, the rights of the people would always be subject to being violated. The Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights, was created to specifically describe the powers of government and the rights of individuals government was not allowed to infringe. 1. Does the Second Amendment Describe An Individual Right? Some people claim that there is no individual right to own firearms. However, anyone familiar with the principles upon which this country was founded will recognize this claim`s most glaring flaw: in America, rights–by definition–belong to individuals. The Founding Fathers created the Bill of Rights to protect the rights of individuals. The freedoms of religion, speech, association, and the rest all refer to individual liberties. The Second Amendment right to keep and bear  arms is no different. When the first Congress penned the Second Amendment in 1789, it took the wording, with some style changes, from a list of rights introduced by James Madison of Virginia. Congressman Madison had promised the Virginia ratifying convention that he would sponsor a Bill of Rights if the Constitution were ratified. The amendments he wrote would not change anything in the original Constitution. Madison repeatedly insisted that nothing in the original Constitution empowered the federal government to infringe on the rights of the people, specifically including the right of individuals to have guns. In constructing the Bill of Rights, Madison followed the recommendations of the state ratifying conventions. Though they ratified the Constitution, several of those conventions had recommended adding provisions about specific rights. Five conventions recommended adding a right to arms; by comparison, only three conventions mentioned free speech. Members of Congress had no doubt as to the amendment`s meaning. They and their contemporaries were firearm owners, hunters and in some cases gun collectors (George Washington and Thomas Jefferson exchanged letters about their collections). They had just finished winning their freedoms with gun in hand, and would, in their next session, pass legislation requiring most male citizens to buy and own at least one firearm and 30 rounds of ammunition. The only reason there is a controversy about the Second Amendment is that on this subject many highly vocal and influential 21st Century Americans reject what seemed elementary common sense–and basic principle–to our Founding Fathers. The words of the founders make clear they believed the individual right to own firearms was very important: Thomas Jefferson said, â€Å"No free man shall be debarred the use of arms.† Patrick Henry said, â€Å"The great object is, that every man be armed.† Richard Henry Lee wrote that, â€Å"to preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms.† Thomas Paine noted, â€Å"[A]rms . . . discourage and keep the invader and the  plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property.† Samuel Adams warned that: â€Å"The said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.† The Constitution and Bill of Rights repeatedly refer to the â€Å"rights† of the people and to the â€Å"powers† of government. The Supreme Court has recognized that the phrase â€Å"the people,† which is used in numerous parts of the Constitution, including the Preamble, the Second, Fourth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments, refers to people as individuals. In each case, rights belonging to â€Å"the people† are without question the rights of individuals. Dozens of essays have been written by the nation`s foremost authorities on the Constitution, supporting the traditional understanding of the right to arms as an individual right, protected by the Second Amendment. 2. Isn`t the â€Å"well regulated militia† the National Guard? Gun control supporters insist that â€Å"the right of the people† really means the â€Å"right of the state† to maintain the â€Å"militia,† and that this â€Å"militia† is the National Guard. This is not only inconsistent with the statements of America`s Founders and the concept of individual rights, it also wrongly defines the term â€Å"militia.† Centuries before the Second Amendment was drafted, European political writers used the term â€Å"well regulated militia† to refer to all the people, armed with their own firearms or swords, bows or spears, led by officers they chose. America`s Founders defined the militia the same way. Richard Henry Lee wrote, â€Å"A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves . . . and include all men capable of bearing arms. . . .† Making the same point, Tench Coxe wrote that the militia â€Å"are in fact the effective part of the people at large.† George Mason asked, â€Å"[W]ho are the militia? They consist now of the  whole people, except a few public officers.† The Militia Act of 1792, adopted the year after the Second Amendment was ratified, declared that the Militia of the United States (members of the militia who had to serve if called upon by the government) included all able-bodied adult males. The National Guard was not established until 1903. In 1920 it was designated one part of the â€Å"Militia of the United States.† The other part included other able-bodied adult men, plus some other men and women. However, in 1990, the Supreme Court held that the federal government possesses complete power over the National Guard. The Guard is the third part of the United States Army, along with the regular Army and Army Reserve. The Framers` independent â€Å"well regulated militia† remains as they intended, America`s armed citizenry. 3. Have the Courts or Congress ever studied the meaning of the Second Amendment? On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court issued its decision in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller. In a 5-4 decision, the Court upheld the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that the Second Amendment protects a right to possess firearms for individuals, and not just a right to have them as part of a militia or the National Guard. The Court also held that the Second Amendment is not meant to protect a â€Å"state’s right† to maintain a militia or National Guard. The decision struck down the District’s bans on handguns and on having any gun in usable condition as violations of the Second Amendment, and prohibited the District from denying a person a permit to carry a firearm within his home on without cause. Highlights of the majority opinion, written by Justice Antonin Scalia and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, and Clarence Thomas, can be found here: /Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=235&issue=010. The Court ruled that â€Å"[T]he operative clause [of the Second Amendment] codifies a ‘right of the people.† And went on to explain: â€Å"In all six other provisions of the Constitution that mention ‘the people,’ the term unambiguously refers to all members of the political community, not an unspecified subset. . . .’† Put plainly, the Heller decision says that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess firearms for legal purposes, including for sporting use and for self-defense. In coming to this conclusion, the courts examined the meaning of the words in the Second Amendment, including the meaning of â€Å"arms† the phrase â€Å"to bear arms† and to â€Å"keep â€Å" arms. The court also carefully considered the meaning of â€Å"militia† and the relationship between the militia and the â€Å"right to keep and bear arms.† In the majority opinion, the court clearly rejected the idea of a â€Å"collective† or group right, that is, a right held by the states. The court found that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess firearms. The full impact of the Heller decision is still not known. States and cities with restrictive gun laws are now facing challenges to their specific laws and future court cases will continue to define the how the Second Amendment protects individual rights and what types of gun laws will be allowed. Before the Heller decision, the most thorough examination of the Second Amendment and related issues ever undertaken by a court is the 2001 decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in U.S. v. Emerson. In Emerson, the Appeals court devoted dozens of pages of its decision to studying the Second Amendment’s history and text. It began by examining the Supreme Court’s decision in U.S. v. Miller (1939), which individual rights opponents claim supports the notion of the Second Amendment protecting only a â€Å"collective right† of a state to maintain a militia. The Fifth Circuit disagreed. â€Å"We conclude that Miller does not support the collective rights or sophisticated collective rights approach to the Second Amendment.† The court then turned to the history and text of the Second Amendment. â€Å"There is no evidence in the text of the Second Amendment, or any other part of the Constitution, that the words ‘the people’ have a different connotation within the Second Amendment than when employed elsewhere in the Constitution. In fact, the text of the Constitution, as a whole, strongly suggests that the words ‘the people’ have precisely the same meaning within the Second Amendment as without. And as used throughout the Constitution, ‘the people’ have ‘rights’ and ‘powers,’ but federal and state governments only have ‘powers’ or ‘authority’, never ‘rights.’† The court concluded, â€Å"We have found no historical evidence that the Second Amendment was intended to convey militia power to the states, limit the federal government’s power to maintain a standing army, or applies only to members of a select militia while on active duty. All of the evidence indicates that the Second Amendment, like other parts of the Bill of Rights, applies to and protects individual Americans. We find that the history of the Second Amendment reinforces the plain meaning of its text, namely that it protects individual Americans in their right to keep and bear arms whether or not they are a member of a select militia or performing active military service or training.† Four times in American history, Congress has enacted legislation declaring its clear understanding of the Second Amendment`s meaning. Congress has never given any support for the newly minted argument that the amendment fails to protect any right of the people, and instead ensures a â€Å"collective right† of states to maintain militias. In 1866, 1941, 1986, and 2005, Congress passed laws to reaffirm this guarantee of personal freedom and to adopt specific safeguards to enforce it. The Freedmen’s Bureau Act of 1866 was enacted to protect the rights of freed slaves to keep and bear arms following the Civil War and at the outset of the chaotic Reconstruction period. The act declared protection for the â€Å"full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings concerning personal liberty, personal security, and . . . estate . . . including the constitutional right to bear arms. . . .† The Property Requisition Act of 1941 was intended to reassure Americans that preparations for war would not include repressive or tyrannical policies against firearms owners. It was passed shortly before the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, which led the United States into World War II. The act declared that it would not â€Å"authorize the requisitioning or require the registration of any firearms possessed by any individual for his personal protection or sport,† or â€Å"to impair or infringe in any manner the right of any individual to keep and bear arms. . . .† The two more recent laws sought to reverse excesses involving America’s legal system. In the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986, Congress reacted to overzealous enforcement policies under the federal firearms law: â€Å"The Congress finds that the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms under the second amendment to the United States Constitution; to security against illegal and unreasonable searches and seizures under the fourth amendment; against uncompensated taking of property, double jeopardy, and assurance of due process of law under the fifth amendment; and against unconstitutional exercise of authority under the ninth and tenth amendments; require additional legislation to correct existing firearms statutes and enforcement policies. . . .† And in 2005, as a result of lawsuits aiming to destroy America’s firearms industry, Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to end this threat to the Second Amendment. The act begins with findings that go to the heart of the matter: â€Å"Congress finds the following: (1) The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (2) The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the rights of individuals, including those who are not members of a militia or engaged in military service or training, to keep and bear arms.† â€Å"Gun control† is the popular name for laws that regulate, limit or prohibit the purchase and possession of firearms. â€Å"Gun control† laws are usually  proposed on the grounds they will stop the criminal misuse of firearms, but they are almost never actually targeted at criminals. Supporters of â€Å"gun control† most commonly call for laws that restrict law-abiding people, the only ones who will obey them. Laws prohibiting the possession of a firearm are unlikely to stop a person willing to commit robbery, assault or murder. On the other hand, honest citizens who respect the law will submit to the gun control laws, even if the laws do not make them safer. 3th Amendment to the Constitution of Bangladesh. (2016, Oct 18).

Friday, October 18, 2019

IT Governance and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

IT Governance and Law - Essay Example CRM or Customer Relationship Management is the process whereby all the information relative to a customer linked to an organization is properly catered. This is done mainly with the help of information systems. Proper handling of information relative to customers is the key to the prosperity of any organization. The processing of customer related information such that it becomes the center of the information flow of any organization is the core responsibility of the Customer Relationship arena or CRM. Traditional CRM systems have been promoting the business arena for a number of years now. Benefitting from their services organizations have also evolved with the increasing technological advancements. The way CRM systems have incorporated with the emerging phenomenon of Cloud Computing and what the implications of such incorporation may be are integral need of the day discussions. The report is aimed such that the relativeness of CRM systems is narrated first as an introductory term an d then as a discussion evaluating the significance of the conventional old systems and the new cloud incorporated systems. Figure 1: Customer Relationship Management. ... omized particularly to each business’ needs CRM systems not only manage data but also result in the overall analysis and prosperity of sales figures. CRM for Investment broker? The main services that a Retail brokerage firm offers are collectively termed as Wealth Management Services. These include coverage of stock trading for individual investors, investments in different mutual funds and other financial products like insurance products. They also offer advisory services to strengthen their relationship with their customers. A new class of customer relationship managers has emerged that focused specially the business of offering financial services. Due to this development it is extremely essential for the Retail brokerages to opt for a sophisticated and proven Customer Relationship Management system in order to achieve better productivity, customer satisfaction and yield. What is cloud? The term cloud has become much prevalent nowadays. The cloud, in common words, may be ref erred to as a collective pool of resources which can be accessed by multiple users. The usage of the resources on the cloud is often associated with the authorizations given to the users but as per need the resources may be made publically accessible as well. The core concept of cloud, in a formal definition narrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) the organization terms cloud as: A model that provides accessibility to a set of resources being made available in the form of a pool. The resources are linked to network access of the on-demand type, which is being provided with suitability. The examples of the shared computing resources may be networks, storage areas, services, applications and servers etc. These readily available resources are available with very little

Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Article Example The final step is direct action where people present themselves to present their cases. Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice is a valid statement because, for the realization of fair treatment of all people, the governing rules must apply to everyone. If there is no law and order, then people will do all types of crime and get away with such actions. The society would be a place where the powerful and strong have their way over the weak and poor if there is no law and order. Therefore, the law serves to place all citizens at equal and give everyone access to institutions that can protect people’s rights. Law and order in my community helps in giving protection to poor people from the rich taking their property or forcing the poor to work without proper compensation. The law, therefore, enhances justice. Unjust laws may also include situations where rich people use their influence to get laws passed allowing them to pay less tax in comparison to the poor. In addition to this, unjust law also includes a scenario where the majority passes laws, or objects the passing of laws that may affect the majority in a negative way while helping the marginalized groups. The best written paragraph is paragraph 17 because King provides a different approach to the understanding of a just law and unjust law. The difference is that he deviates from the traditional response that the law ought to respect human rights. In that paragraph, he voices the need for the majority to bind themselves by the laws they pass, and allow the minorities to participate in making laws. Tension is beneficial when applied correctly because it keeps authorities on their toes for fear of repercussions in case they make the wrong decision. The tension that King referred to was the tension of the fear of an outbreak of violence. King was termed as being an

Critically evaluate the view that Changing Organisational Culture is Essay

Critically evaluate the view that Changing Organisational Culture is difficult if not impossible and requires a different approach to other types of change initiatives - Essay Example In-depth study of culture change in the corporate and organisational literature reveals it to be centered on human relations management for higher productivity. Edgar Schein (1985) believes that culture is seen as a "hot topic" within the corporate world because it is perceived that organisations can be more effective if they develop the right type of culture. Some may believe that it is possible to change dysfunctional cultures to those that are better adapted to their environments. However, according to Schein, culture is hard to define and even harder to measure, harder still to determine the effects on the corporate world. Organisational cultural change is difficult because it is difficult to assess or measure culture. Schein (1985) three level model appears to provide a meaningful option that is useful for assessing organisational culture. In the model, artifacts are placed at the highest level of the structure. The next level represents values which reflect goals and ideals of the organisation; they are the why behind what people within the organisation do. Finally, at the lowest level of Scheins model we find assumptions. The innermost core of culture, assumptions represent rarely spoken, latent, core beliefs and are therefore the most difficult to assess. It is possible for the three levels of culture to be incongruent. For instance, a company may have an open door policy (artifact) and express a value that everyones opinion is appreciated and sought, but below the surface is the knowledge that the boss is really the only one with whom to share the important information (assumption). Leaders of organisations and the consultants who work with them have learned a lot about behaviour change which is seen at the most superficial level of artifacts but not much about how to create organisational belief and value change. Behaviour change

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assume that you have been newly Appointed as a Services Marketing Essay

Assume that you have been newly Appointed as a Services Marketing Consultant - Essay Example Thus, the fast food restaurant is found to abstain from beef and use mutton while producing and selling non-vegetarian products like hamburgers in India. Such working on continuous innovation helps the company fit into the tastes and likings of the consumers of different regions. Place In terms of location, the fast food restaurant focuses on enhancing its market share pertaining to a particular region through the opening up of large number of outlets in different parts. Thus it has been able to open up numerous restaurants around the globe which in turn help the company to gain on its profits and market revenues. Price In regards to the price mix it is found that McDonald’s works continuously in revising its pricing strategies based on the social, competitive and business environment of a particular region. ... The company, in relation to advertisement activities, works in engaging celebrities to enhance its brand image through visual and print advertisements. Similarly, the company invests largely in active sponsorships of different sporting events ranging from Olympics to other international sporting agendas. People In regards to employing people, the company largely focuses on gaining the advantage of skilled labour sets from the local communities while closely following the legislations pertaining to employability of people in the region. Further, the company also works in developing the skill sets of the employees to fit to local tastes by working on the development of adequate training programs. Process Though McDonald’s works on a global plane in meeting the fast food requirements of people belonging to different regions, yet it renders the main focus on meeting the aspirations of the local consumers. Thus, the organisation has worked in developing standardised rules that woul d help the company largely control the actions of the suppliers and other such stakeholders in meeting the quality needs of the local people. Physical Evidence The fast food restaurant working on an international plane closely focuses on providing a clean space wherein the customers can relish and enjoy the ready-to-eat products by sitting with their friends and families. Moreover, the company works towards providing the customers a large variety of food products that are produced in a quick fashion while focusing to sustain the quality of the produces as well (Vignali, 2001, p.99-110). This discussion thus reflects on the aspects that how McDonald’s works on gaining the advantage of aligning the seven service marketing mixes to help enhance on the parameters of consumer and

Invention of the Email and Bank Secrecy Act Essay

Invention of the Email and Bank Secrecy Act - Essay Example Global communication has become indispensable in human society as it determines the relationship between people belonging to different nations and cultures. An important mode of communication is the email. It is an electronic method of transmitting messages from one part of the globe to another part in a matter of seconds. It was in 1978 when a 14-year-old boy Shiva Ayyadurai created the first email. Email has definitely brought a new dimension to human communication and interaction. Its impact is even more prominent in the business world with email becoming the most preferred mode of communication. There has been a rapid growth of its popularity since its inception and this has been proved by a survey conducted in February 1998 at an Institution of Information Scientists. According to the survey, 60 participants booked a place by e-mail while the others booked either on the phone or have used fax. In business today, email is the most common process of communication with clients and off-site staff (Hill, 2005, pp.93-94). Its major advantage is that it is password protected which means the information on email can be accessible only by its user. It also saves time since messages sent via email takes under a second to get transmitted to the target email. The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) was first introduced in the year 1970 by Congress in the U.S. in order to protect the global financial system from money-related crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing. Money laundering is the method by which illegally earned money is circulated and integrated into the financial system so as to make it appear clean. Basically, it is a system by which money received from one (illegal) source is appeared to have been received from another (legitimate) source.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critically evaluate the view that Changing Organisational Culture is Essay

Critically evaluate the view that Changing Organisational Culture is difficult if not impossible and requires a different approach to other types of change initiatives - Essay Example In-depth study of culture change in the corporate and organisational literature reveals it to be centered on human relations management for higher productivity. Edgar Schein (1985) believes that culture is seen as a "hot topic" within the corporate world because it is perceived that organisations can be more effective if they develop the right type of culture. Some may believe that it is possible to change dysfunctional cultures to those that are better adapted to their environments. However, according to Schein, culture is hard to define and even harder to measure, harder still to determine the effects on the corporate world. Organisational cultural change is difficult because it is difficult to assess or measure culture. Schein (1985) three level model appears to provide a meaningful option that is useful for assessing organisational culture. In the model, artifacts are placed at the highest level of the structure. The next level represents values which reflect goals and ideals of the organisation; they are the why behind what people within the organisation do. Finally, at the lowest level of Scheins model we find assumptions. The innermost core of culture, assumptions represent rarely spoken, latent, core beliefs and are therefore the most difficult to assess. It is possible for the three levels of culture to be incongruent. For instance, a company may have an open door policy (artifact) and express a value that everyones opinion is appreciated and sought, but below the surface is the knowledge that the boss is really the only one with whom to share the important information (assumption). Leaders of organisations and the consultants who work with them have learned a lot about behaviour change which is seen at the most superficial level of artifacts but not much about how to create organisational belief and value change. Behaviour change

Invention of the Email and Bank Secrecy Act Essay

Invention of the Email and Bank Secrecy Act - Essay Example Global communication has become indispensable in human society as it determines the relationship between people belonging to different nations and cultures. An important mode of communication is the email. It is an electronic method of transmitting messages from one part of the globe to another part in a matter of seconds. It was in 1978 when a 14-year-old boy Shiva Ayyadurai created the first email. Email has definitely brought a new dimension to human communication and interaction. Its impact is even more prominent in the business world with email becoming the most preferred mode of communication. There has been a rapid growth of its popularity since its inception and this has been proved by a survey conducted in February 1998 at an Institution of Information Scientists. According to the survey, 60 participants booked a place by e-mail while the others booked either on the phone or have used fax. In business today, email is the most common process of communication with clients and off-site staff (Hill, 2005, pp.93-94). Its major advantage is that it is password protected which means the information on email can be accessible only by its user. It also saves time since messages sent via email takes under a second to get transmitted to the target email. The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) was first introduced in the year 1970 by Congress in the U.S. in order to protect the global financial system from money-related crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing. Money laundering is the method by which illegally earned money is circulated and integrated into the financial system so as to make it appear clean. Basically, it is a system by which money received from one (illegal) source is appeared to have been received from another (legitimate) source.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Indian Literature Essay Example for Free

Indian Literature Essay Indian Literature, writings in the languages and literary traditions of the Indian subcontinent. The subcontinent consists of three countries: India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The political division of the area into three nations took place in the 20th century; before that, the entire region was generally referred to as India. For centuries Indian society has been characterized by diversity—the people of modern India speak 18 major languages and many other minor languages and dialects; Urdu is the principal language of Pakistan, and Urdu and Bengali are used in Bangladesh. The people of the subcontinent also practice all the world’s major religions. Throughout its history, India has absorbed and transformed the cultures of the peoples who have moved through the region. As a result, the Indian literary tradition is one of the world’s oldest and richest. Religion has long exercised a strong influence on Indian writing. The major religions of the area have been Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Islam. Throughout the history of Indian literature, certain religious doctrines have formed common threads. One such doctrine is karma—the chain of good and bad actions and their inevitable consequences, which result in the repeated birth and death of the soul. The mythology of the dominant Hindu religion portrays the deities Vishnu, Shiva, the Goddess (Devi), and others. This mythology has influenced Indian texts, from ancient epics in the Sanskrit language to medieval poems in the various languages of different regions to modern works in English. The Vedas, which are Hindu sacred texts, are the earliest examples of Indian literature. The Vedas were composed between about 1500 bc and 1000 bc in Old Sanskrit, also called Vedic Sanskrit. This language belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. Indo-Aryan languages dominated northern India in ancient times, and Sanskrit became the major language of Indian religious and philosophical writing and classical literature. It also served as a common language with which scholars from different regions could communicate. No longer spoken widely, it is maintained as a literary language in modern India, meaning that people still use it for written works. The emergence of the popular religions Buddhism and Jainism in the 6th century bc gave rise to literature in Pali and in the several dialects of Sanskrit known as Prakrit (meaning â€Å"natural language†). Meanwhile, Tamil, a Dravidian language, emerged as the most important language in the south. A recorded literature in Tamil dates from the 1st century ad. Rich literary traditions have emerged in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam, which are modern languages that developed from Old Tamil and its dialects. Between the 10th and 18th centuries, the medieval dialects of the earlier languages evolved into the modern languages of India. Eighteen of these languages now have official status in India, as does English. As the different tongues evolved, a distinctive literature with particular styles and themes developed in each tongue. At the same time, Indian literature was influenced by the Persian language and its literature, which various Muslim conquerors brought to the Indian subcontinent. Muslims also introduced Islam to India, and Islamic philosophy and traditions affected Indian literature. After the British became active in India in the 1700s, English language and writing had a significant impact on Indian literature. Oral traditions have always been important in Indian literature. Many storytellers present traditional Indian texts by reciting them, often with improvisation. Others use song, dance, or drama to tell tales. In both its oral and written forms, Indian literature has produced great works that have influenced national and regional literary traditions in other parts of the world.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Challenges Faced By An Organisation

The Challenges Faced By An Organisation Organization is a place where number of people work with each other to achieved a mutual Goal and Management is interested in an organization mainly from an instrumental point of view. For a company, organization is a means to an end to achieve its goals, which are to create value for its stakeholders (stockholders, employees, customers, suppliers, community). Therefore Management behaviour can be describe in terms of structure Culture In which the relationship between management structure and culture and its effect on business performance should be analyze very carefully to sustain the Organization growth and its development. Now for improving organizations overall effectiveness is a constant key objective for all executives so that organization will benefit significantly through: -Increased productivity -Faster decision making -Less internal conflict Organizational effectiveness stems from the organization being able to do the things it   Needs to do with minimum use of resource. In fact not doing things that dont need to be done   is perhaps the single biggest contribution to becoming truly effective. Making Tasks simpler so there is less work, avoiding mistakes so that there is no rework, quality systems to get things done consistently, training to enable a task to be done quicker are all examples.   However,   the organisation doesnt   become more effective spontaneously.   It requires time,   effort, know  ­how   and will.   Individuals,   particularly those with management   responsibilities need to have the skills and competencies to analyse what is going on, to propose solutions to problems,   and implement the changes in the workplace and to have the confidence that   consistent   long-term improvement   is what   will make the organisation competitive.   If the gains in effectiveness are not to be eroded the whole process needs to be set in a culture of continuous improvement so that each improvement builds on its predecessors and is not lost just as easily as it was gained through apathy or through attention shifting elsewhere. Refer to the case study of Barclays banks when there is an acquisition with Lehman Brothers in September 2008 Barclays had to face number of hurdles and problems to overcome Organizational Behavior of the Lehman Brother but without an effective measures and decision making it would not be organized and successful acquisition so to understand the important part of Management theories for Organizational Behavior we have to understand effective management behavior that grouped into 6 management qualities. Values new Ideas: Effective Management can be through when we give importance and respect to new ideas present by the employees and give them rewards for this and let the employee try new, potentially better methods for an organizational growth. Values Others View: This includes Involve sub ordinates in important decisions, take time to listen and understand, provides feedback when subordinates shares ideas Appreciate Differences among others: Recognizes that individuals needs and abilities differ, Values the experiences and perspectives of people from diverse backgrounds 4) Takes Action to Solve Problems and Conflicts Takes steps to improve bad relationships, Takes action to resolve interpersonal conflicts, Finds win/win solutions, Learns from his/her mistakes, Sorts essential from unimportant information 5) Communicates Expectations Communicates what he/she expects to be accomplished, Provides understandable performance data 6) Principled Maintains consistency between words and actions, Models the behavior he/she expects from others, Recruits and promotes fairly regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or age The above mentioned 6 qualities are used to make an Organization effective. In case of Barclays Acquisition they started to implement this technique to boost the employee performance and to make them believe that they are still very attached with the organization and have a same respect as it was in Lehman Brothers. Barclays find out number of key organizational behavior issues with the acquisition like Integration, Organizational Culture of Both Barclays and Lehmans and Motivation. EXAMPLE REATED TO EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT U. S. Network Appliance Inc. (NetApp), founded in 1992, has been an industry leader in networked storage solutions. Since its inception, the founder of NetApp great importance for the development of a healthy work environment and friendly staff the company. Emphasis was placed on trust and integrity, team spirit and ambition to reach higher goals. The company had a policy of openness, flexible working hours and offer a host of other benefits for their employees. The company is employee-friendly policies have been recognized by leading magazines as one of the best places to work. For the year 2009, NetApp ranked first in the list of 100 Best Companies to Work For by Fortune magazine. In January 2009 ranked U. S. Network Appliance Inc. (NetApp), a leading solution for network storage company, No. 1 on the list of 100 Best Companies to Work For, Fortune magazine had 4. The position of the company significantly the 14 th in 2008 (see annex I for a list of 15 of the 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2009) improved. The list was compiled by Great Place to (TMP) for work on behalf Institute5 Fortune magazine. According to GPW NetApp is a serious matter. Serious about customer service to compete seriously with serious and that a large work area. In 2009, NetApp # 1 Best Company to Work for in America is was established after investigations GPW, the 528 companies with new jobs in 2008, replacing an increase of around 12% 0.7 With this, NetApp INC8 Google, which held the title for two consecutive years 2007 and 2008. Occasionally, Dan Warmenhoven, CEO of NetApp, We are delighted and honored to be in the top of the prestigious list of Fortune. Our employees are the heart of our society and the strength of our global culture. values of the culture that teamwork, productivity, leadership and innovation We help clients create more discoveries to retain the best talent and deliver superior returns for our shareholders. I am very proud of what we have achieved and what the value of our employees every day: a shared workspace successfully NetApp personnel policies on the welfare of employees. Policies on the development of healthy and motivated employees. AfterGwen McDonald (McDonald), Vice-president, Human Resources,NetApp, We are clear that our people are our cornerstone of our success is actually taught by our leaders, both in terms of what we say and do.. NetApp Management believes that customers who do business with the value proposition of the companys corporate culture is measured. When the culture was strong enough that customers would be attracted to be inclined to establish business relations with the company of others. Emphasizes this fact, NetApp staff about the unique culture of the educated workforce. NetApp staffs have always been motivated by the words of appreciation and were aware that they were valued in society. There were several awards and recognition programs structured to recognize the contributions of personnel in various areas. Among them was the share of rewards program, which involves an incentive program to encourage employees to share their knowledge. It is now clear that the importance of an effective organization. Say, if an organization is effective is not certain to survive in this era of competition, losing to determine the reason. Therefore, the organization ineffective. INEFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION Such an organization will be termed as effective organization as its members do not work for organizations goals. The behavioral approach establishes a direct relationship between integration of organizational and individual goals and organizational effectiveness. It should, however, be noted that organizational effectiveness is not the result only of integration of two goals, rather are a lot of other variables affecting it. But still we can say, that as human factor is one of them important and the only active factor integrating other factors in the organization. This analysis holds good from management of organization point of view. For example in an organization where number of employees compete with each other not in positive manners his could affect directly to the organization as if individuals are not align in a proper positive direction then the organization will definitely face a great Obstacles, Now to manage all this things we understand that human factor is one of the most important and viable factor to see within an organization and should be managed properly, As in the case study of Barclays we discussed in the class we have seen that how employees were managed because of their importance in their organization and to retain them and to make them happier how Barclays made strategies to cope up that situation of successful integration. So we have to closely analyze that what factors affect organizational effectiveness. OBSTACLES / FACTORS AFFECTING ORGANISATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS AND ITS PERFORMANCE: This is a very important and difficult task for the manager, who is analyzing the organization, is to identify the factors underlying organizational effectiveness. The major set of factors or variables that potentially have their influence on effectiveness are: 1. Organizational characteristics 2. Environmental characteristics 3. Employee characteristics 4. Managerial policies and practices. For example Barclays acquisition with Lehman brother would have definitely affect organization as above factors affect a lot as both companies have different Organizational Characteristic, Environmental characteristics, Employee characteristics and also Managerial policies and practices. Organizational characteristics which affect the effectiveness are of two types: 1. Organizational structure and 2. Technology Organizational structure influences the effectiveness in the following ways: Structure in terms of functional specialization, size centralization of decision making and even formalization is likely to increase productivity and efficiency. Job satisfaction of the employees is also related to the organizational structure, equitable division of work and delegation or authority and responsibility and proper direction are likely to generate the feeling of satisfaction among people at work. Technology and organizational structure are interrelated. The type of technology determines the nature and structure of Organization, Change of technology will require a lot of changes in the organization in the form of: a. Change in operation e.g. from labor-intensive to capital intensive b. Shifting of employees to either different departments within the same factory or to some other factory of the organization. c. Change in span of control d. Creating of new and winding up of the few departments. e. Change in them materials which are used f. Retraining and provision of more knowledge about the latest technology to the workers. If the organization fails to change the structure according to needs of technology, it will never prove to be effective. needs of technology and it will never prove to be effective. Environmental Characteristic Management should have experts who will suggest adjustments which are to be made in the organizational set up to comply with environmental changes. 1. External environment 2. Internal environment Employee Characteristics Human factor is the most important factor which influences the goal achievement of organizations. If there is a close integration among the individual and organizational goals, the organizational will be highly effective as explained in the behavioral approach to the effectiveness. If the organization, without compromising with its fundamental programmers and policies, could readjust to accommodate legitimate aspirations of the employees, In employees, it should do so the achieve effectiveness. In case there is a conflict between the individual and the group goals and the issued relate to the very existence of the organization, the organization will have to take a firm stand to deal with the situation. To help in achieving the effectiveness of the organization, the employees the effectiveness of the organization, the employees should have the following characteristics: a. They should be attracted towards and satisfied with the organization. b. They should be committed to the organization. c. Their motives, goals and needs should not be in conflict with the organizational goals. d. The employees should be able and knowledgeable. e. They should have their role clarity. f. The job turnover should be very low, if any. EFFECTIVENESS THROUGH ADAPTIVE COPING STYLE AND HOW THESE OBSTACLES OVERCOME: 1. Sensing of Change. The first basic stage in the cycle is the sensing of change in some part of the internal and external environment. Failure to perceive changes in the environment or incorrectly perceiving the changes is the major factor for the failure of the organization to cope with environment. The organizations should have effective Management Information System for effectively coping with the environment. 2. The second stage in the cycle is the import of relevant information about the change into those parts of the organization that can act upon it. However, it is very difficult to decide which imputes are to be taken from the environment and organizations often fail to perceive the relevant inputs, particularly the information. 3. Changing Conversation Process. Inputs are taken by the organization from the environment for further processing, this is known as the conversion process. The conversion process should be modified according to environmental requirements as indicated by the information. 4. Stabilizing Internal Changes. The fourth stage of the cycle is to stabilize the internal changes while taking care of undesired changes in related systems which have resulted from the desired changes. This is necessary because each sub system in the organization is dependent upon others and change in one may affect others but this effect may be positive or negative. 5. Exporting New Outputs. When the internal change is established, the organization becomes in a position to export new outputs which are in accordance with the environmental requirements. Some different and additional attempts may be required for exporting the new outputs. If the organization fails to adopt the new methods, it may become ineffective.. 6. Obtaining Feedback. The last stage in the cycle is the obtaining of feedback on the outcome of the changes for further sensing of the state of the external environment and the degree of integration of the internal environment. This stage is very much related with the first stage because process of sensing may be the same. Failure at any of these stages may result into ineffectiveness. A successful coping suggests that all of the stages must be successfully negotiated. Following are the major organizational conditions for effective coping: 1. The Organization must have a proper communication system through which reliable and valid information may be passed. 2. Enough internal flexibility should be there so that changes can be brought absorbed by the organization. 3. Successful coping requires integration and commitment to the organizational goals which provides willingness for change. There should be supportive internal climate which can support good communication, reduction in inflexibility and stimulation of self protection. The Most important factor that likely to determine the successful performance of work organizations is Organizational Culture There are four steps in the integration of organizational cultures in international expansions that result from mergers or acquisition The two groups have to establish the purpose, goal, and focus of their merger They have to develop mechanisms to identify the most important organizational structures and management roles They have to determine who has authority over the resources needed for getting things done They have to identify the expectations of all involved parties and facilitate communication between both departments and individuals in the structure Three aspects of organizational functioning that are important in determining MNC organizational culture The general relationship between the employees and their organization The hierarchical system of authority that defines the roles of managers and subordinates The general views that employees hold about the MNCs purpose, destiny, goals, and their places in them. Guideline to Overcome such diversity i.e. Culture in an organization Select team members for their task-related abilities Team members must recognize and be prepared to deal with their differences Team leader must help the group to identify and define its overall goal Members must have equal power so that everyone can participate in the process All members must have mutual respect for each other. Managers must give teams positive feedback on their process and output Example related to Cultural Environment: The company plays an important role in the success of the organization. A corporate culture helps to attract the best talent in the industry. The case describes the corporate culture of Google Inc. Google is one of the few companies that have successfully blended technological innovation with a strong corporate culture The case provides insight into the work environment, and recruitment process at Google. The case also provides insight into how Google fostered innovation among employees. The case ends with a critique of Googles organizational culture Google Inc. (Google) is considered one of the most successful Internet start-ups. In 2003, favorite search engines in the world was for their accuracy and speed in obtaining results. Apart from the technological advantage over its competitors, Google is successful because of its ability to attract and retain the best talents of these employees. And the process was possible thanks to Googles corporate culture. During the Internet bubble in late 1990, Google was the only company that does not suffer wear, while the experience of other employees of large tech companies had sales of 20-25% Googles corporate culture is legendary in Silicon Valley. Googlehas been a symbol of successful Internet companies. For many, the successful combination of company culture and technology in Silicon Valley. It is estimated that Google has succeeded because it had removed the unnecessary bureaucracy and hierarchy gave its engineers to work hands free. But not everyone in the culture of Google was impressed. Some think that Google could not complete support their growth with the current culture. It is believed that Google had exceeded its informal culture, and it would be informal, from now on, the confusion among employees and customers. In addition, Google also crucial for their establishment and the lack of unity of command at the highest level. Google founders Larry Page (Larry) and Sergey Bring (Sergio) graduated in computer science from Stanford in 1995. In January 1996, the work of Larry and Sergey in their project aims to extend the summer through a search engine. They wanted a technology that has provided the necessary information from the enormous amount of data available on the Internet to grow because of its ability to identify and analyze the links in its search engine Back Backrub which refers to a site particular. Backrub in 1997 had received great popularity due to its unique approach to solving the problems of Internet research. During the first half of 1998, Larry and Sergey were focused on perfecting his technique. To store large amounts of data, they bought a terabyte of disk storage (a billion bytes is a terabyte) at bargain prices. Larry dormitory use data Center while Sergey room via an office. So far, they knew your search technology best available technology and other. They began an active participation with potential partners in the Technology Licensing YourSearch Engine Research technology. Larry and Sergey contact lots of people plus friends and family. One of the people they got in contact with was David File , the creator of Yahoo, a leading portal2. File complimented them for the solid equipment they had build, although did not come into any contract among them. Instead, he motivate them to set up their own company After collecting another $ 1 million from family and friends, the office of Larry and Sergey, 7 opened in September 1998. California office was in the garage of a friends house in Menlo Park. The name of Google, but by an accident, said the companys mission and organize the data available on the Internet most of the selected type. The site is set and operation of the duo their first employee Stanford colleague Craig Silverstein (Silverstein), later chief technology officer of Google. . Google has an informal work culture in the (home) Googolplex. Both Larry and Sergey wanted to make Google a great place to work. Because of their faith, the Googolplex, decorated with lava lamps and painted in bright colors of the Google logo (Refer Figure I for Google Logo). Googles have been allowed to bring pets in the workplace, and were willing even with snacks, lunch and dinner by a famous chef Charlie Ayers. The room was Googolplex Google snack cereals, gummy bears, cashew nuts and other snacks and fruit juices, soft drinks and cappuccino Sergey and Larry have also focused on hiring people with good humor. They have been personally involved in hiring. To attract major change in Google Top Ten Reasons to Google on its website (Refer Table II). Google has hired people with different abilities and characteristics (see Table III).When hiring, Google for its academic excellence, as in the class of SAT test scores and other graduates were needed. For an interview call from Google, a person must be a first class university .Google management should also encourage innovation and creativity in the workplace. Clear that to maintain growth, the company had come up with new products and features. However, the company had problems, these ideas are translated into successful products, knock. Silverstein said: Weve always had good ideas, but we had no good way to express or catch them. To resolve the problem, Google implemented an internal web site to pursue new ideas Many analysts believe that fluctuations in Googles zero percent during the dotcom boom, the evidence from tissue culture. But not everyone was convinced that Google was entitled to its work culture. They found that the company was to manage growth. A 12-hour day became the norm in the industry. Googles hiring process has been criticized by analysts. It was noted that Google is too narrow in its approach; it is displayed in the stands and graduate certificates of the candidates instead of experience. Commenting on the hiring process, said a Google, If youre already at Cisco for 20 years, who do not. But the government defended the contracting process say they have intelligence and reason more valuable than experience. Performance of the Organization can be sometimes seems to be very easy but actually it is not the case. So most of the important thing in any organization is to look for is Manpower Humanreource and the environment in which all the employees are working both internally and externally both have to analyze with an close eye to take any advancement in any decision making in an organization The changing nature of modern work organizations and attempt to challenge and criticize the validity of this statement. Yes, As now the Modern work environment changes a lot due to Global attraction and as the whole world is becoming a global village now one which is more effective organization will survive. In this era Mergers Acquisition, Technology Advancement, Outsourcing, Modern HR like Rewards, Incentive, Retention, Training and Development took place a far more level just take an any example in developed or developing nation these practices are very common especially in Banking Industries examples like Barclays and Lehman and for Technology now a days SAP is used every Organization to integrate all his regions, Departments, Supply Chain Customers now these practices are also common in developing nation like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc. Major Merger Acquisition 1990s Top 10 Merger Acquisition deals globally by value (in mil. USD) from 1990 to 1999: Category Year Buyer Purchased 1 1999 Vodafone Air touch PLC Mannesmann 2 1999 Pfizer Warner-Lambert 3 1998 Exxon Mobil 4 1998 Citicorp Travelers Group 5 1999 SBC Communications Ameritech Corporation 6 1999 Vodafone Group Air Touch Communications 7 1998 Bell Atlantic GTE 8 1998 BP Amoco 9 1999 Qwest Communications US WEST 10 1997 WorldCom MCI Communications 2000s Top 10 MA deals worldwide by value (in mil. USD) from 2000 to 2009: Category Year Buyer Purchased 1 2000 Fusion: America Online Inc. (AOL) Time Warner 2 2000 Glico Welcome Plc. SmithKline Beecham Plc. 3 2004 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. Shell Transport Trading Co 4 2006 ATHYPERLINK Inc BellSouth Corporation 5 2001 Comcast Corporation ATHYPERLINK Broadband Internet Sacs 6 2009 Pfizer Inc. Wyeth 7 2000 Spin-off: Nortel Networks Corporation 8 2002 Pfizer Inc. Pharmacia Corporation 9 2004 JP Morgan Chase Co Banc One Corp 10 2008 Imbed Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc As shown in the above table it is clearly indicated the facts that the number of MA are increasing day by day so the organization who handle his Human resource well can lead in this race. Defining MWO (Modern Work Organization) Definitions of MWO usually need to be understood against its presumed antidote, i.e. the scientific management principles associated with the names of Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford. Using the categorization of Atkinson (1984), MWO is related to functional flexibility, rather than numerical or wage flexibility. Other terms which have been in use to describe the phenomenon include High Performance Work Organisation and High-Involvement management (cp. Besant 2003). Attila and Ylà ¶stalo (2002; 2005), in their research on Finland, talk about pro-active workplaces, key characteristics of which are that workers have increased possibilities to exert influence, and at the same time increased responsibility. A pro-active work organisation is simultaneously (a) able to implement new workplace practices within operational activities (for example semi-autonomous teams); (b) able to coordinate work across organisation (for example flat organisation or interaction) and (c) it has an active HRM policy as support and assistance (for example training). This is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 1 (from BDL 2002). Systematic approach towards Modern Organization: Systematic approach is very useful for this modern era to make an organization effective make the work which is really want to be in the systematic manner. The Following are the systematic approaches which are used to be modern organization. -Way work is coordinated across the organisation -Way work is organized within operational activities -Supporting Human Resource Policies -Flatter Hierarchy -Information Flow -Team/Management Interaction -Semi-autonomous work teams -Investment in training -Reward Systems -Performance Measurement -Multi-skilling through Job Rotation Decentral organisational structures: Flat hierarchies and decentralization of decision-making (reduction of the number of management layers; fewer different functions, i.e. job enlargement; improved flow of information between shop floor and management); Semi-autonomous work teams; Process focus; Direct cooperation links with stakeholders (customers, business partners, public authorities, RD units etc.) at every hierarchic level; Corporate cultures which focus on people and learning: Systematic approach to skill acquisition (lifelong learning) with a focus on widening skills rather than simply adapting skills to changing functional requirements; Strong focus on soft skills such as communication skills, team-working, conflict management etc.; Wide participation in training, also involving less qualified members of staff; Innovative performance measurement reward schemes: Management by objectives (for teams and individuals); Financial and non-financial performance measures; Performance-related remuneration. While each of these components have been extensively dealt with in the management literature, evidence suggests that they provide the biggest benefit to companies if deployed in a systematic approach Impact on Workers: While decentralization of control is generally praised as an ideal means to achieve greater labor flexibility as well as higher motivation and (following from that) higher productivity, there are also risks involved. It is certain that increasing responsibility and self-control at all hierarchical levels tends to increase the work pressure as perceived by employees (Voß 1998, Gottschall Voß 2005; Cullen e